Really, was a good experience because I could train my writing in English. It´s true, there are still many grammar rules and words that I still do not learn, but is very necessary for the professional life, travels, investigations for discoveries, write papers and more.
Now, in the future I would like write about of others (more) musical topics, like a musical analysis, orchestral analysis, my experience with orchestral tours, because I think that can be beneficial for someone looking for about this topic.
For me, the topic that most I like is "orchestral analysis from the musical conductor´s eyes", because a long time (four or five years) I was given the opportunity to study for to be a orchestral conductor.
Within this analysis we can see a lot of aspects for describing one conductor from his movements, how he realize the orchestral´s rehearsal, how the conductor speak with the orchestra, how is the conductor´s school, the conductor realize tour with his orchestra or not? and many others aspects.
In the actuality there are many students around the world who want to an information about this topic, because is very important for the musical development.
Like a music, I only can to say that I'm agree with all your text. Maybe you can learn to write papers reading it! Read about musical analysis and more. There are so much to learn!
ResponderEliminarI also believe that we could write about musical topic, is necessary to learn certain words